Controlling costs - SEBB

Controlling your costs

The cost of medical tests and treatments can vary by hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars depending on where you go. It’s a good idea to estimate your costs before you get treatment to avoid financial surprises.

 Estimating costs

By signing in to your Regence account, you can use the Cost Estimator to compare prices of hospital stays, MRIs, surgeries, x-rays, and more. The Cost Estimator gives you estimates based on your deductible and out-of-pocket limit.

Use the Cost Estimator to:

  • Get your estimated out-of-pocket expenses for common medical conditions, surgeries, tests, and exams.
  • Search for providers in your network so you get the best coverage.
  • Compare cost and quality between treatment options, facilities, and providers.

The Cost Estimator can also help you understand what to expect during your treatment, so you can talk with your provider about your best treatment options.

  • Select the best place of service for you
  • Identify ways to save money
  • Discover questions to ask your provider about your treatment plan
 UMP provider fee schedule

The UMP provider fee schedule lists the fees that apply to most providers in the Regence BlueShield network. It does not include all procedure codes or prices for all providers in Regence's network. The UMP provider fee schedule and other pricing information are subject to change and are updated regularly.

Providers in the Regence network should reference the specific terms of their Provider Agreement for fee schedule information, or contact a Regence BlueShield provider consultant to confirm fee schedule information.

Payment based on the UMP provider fee schedule is subject to all of the terms and conditions of the applicable provider agreement, member benefits, Regence policies, and all published Regence administrative guidelines. The fact that fees are listed for particular procedure codes does not guarantee coverage.


If you are a provider and need more information, visit the Regence UMP provider portal.